
Make Energy Accessible, Available, Affordable and Adaptable- Prof. Iledare

…Intellectuals are left out in policy formulation which often hit the rocks.

-Felix Douglas

Developing Nigeria policy roadmap for long term energy security for sustainability has always been a cogent issue due to inconsistency by policy markers.

Speaking in a panel session at the Nigeria Independent Energy Summit (NIES), Prof. Wumi Iledare, Chair, Emmanuel Egbogah Foundation, was of the opinion that the keywords are energy access expansion and policies.

He pointed out that expanding energy access requires innovations and policy. Energy expansion requires innovations and availability with clear policy. The country has a good petroleum document that has been gazetted and the second is the natural gas policy that is anchored on three dimensions within the concept of energy access. Firstly, industrialization using gas and the second is export value creation through energy and pipeline.

According to Iledare, the innovations that are required include policy with gas to power; there are availability to petroleum products and better access for energy use which includes cooking and effective transportation system in the country. Interestingly, Nigeria has a robust energy expansion.

The second dimension of energy access focuses on policy, innovation, affordability and equity.  “We need to find energy in such a way that is accessible and affordable. You can have all the energies in the world, but people are not able to afford it.”

Continuing, he said innovation and equity are significant keys. In terms of pricing of electricity, create a base for equity progressively. There is need to pay higher rate for electricity consumption with luxury items.

Another aspect is adaptability which needs public education and enlightenment, barely every Nigeria has access to telephone and easy to pay per minute billing. “We need to begin to think about this when paying for electricity or energy in general, we can use system to make payment based on what is being used but not on monthly type of estimated billing.”

The fourth aspect is sustainability; hence prosperity without posterity is inconsequential with adverse effect. There has to be prosperity with posterity, make energy available, accessible, affordable and adaptable, “you will be surprised the rate at which people will respond. Let us continue to think about how we can encourage our leaders in terms of transformation.”

Transformational mindset incorporates a vision that is shared with the intent that future generation has something to leverage and learn.

“If we able to make energy accessible with innovative ideas and sustainable policy, there is no better place to be than in Nigeria.”

Prof. Iledare advised the government on the Electricity Act that it should work with the provision and follow it to the letter by seeking for people who understand the intent of the law to enlighten it.

“Do not leave your intellectual community outside your policy formulation because that it where you can have intergenerational connection. The intellectual community is the one with the tools that the businesses can use to make profit and the government can use to develop effective and efficient policy.”

Policies are not well managed because intellectuals are left out in policy formulation and government agencies depend on consultancies which are not sustainable.




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