Dr. Owen Omogiafo, CEO /Transcorp Plc
-Felix Douglas
Giving her insight at women in energy forum with the topic: Empower Women Inclusion in Driving Diversity and Equity, Dr. Owen Omogiafo, Chief Executive Officer of Transcorp Plc, pointed out that women contribute to the future success of energy in Nigeria and the continent.
According to the Transcorp boss, women are naturally inclined and thrive in spite of the challenges that confront them; they are resolute and focused on delivery.
She spoke on Leadership, Innovation and the Future of Women in Energy
In terms of energy mix, women hold the future of energy.
“We are the future. If you take it back, the nucleus of life and the superpower that women have to carry the children, it takes a lot to nurture, grow and take one new bond that is so helpless, and focus to do so many things. Beyond the natural gift that God has given us, of the giver and nurture of life, we can take our skills and even change every platform that we sit on or we find ourselves in.”
Omogiafo encouraged women in energy to take up the challenge and build up their careers and not be stagnated only in energy.
“I built a career in human resource management. I’m working within a group that is driven by merits and a group that lets you know that no matter what your background is, so much as you can dream big and you’re ready to work hard.”
She is in charge of Transcorp Plc with the objectives to improve it across the country where they are situated. There is energy deficiency but there are efforts to transform it in Africa to bridge the gap.
Speaking further, Omogiafo submitted that there is need for clean access to energy. It is unfortunate that people especially women are still cooking with fire wood. Is Africa making efforts to transit to cleaner energy?
“Women are cooking with firewood and charcoal. A lot of them are having lung cancer.”
What is the prospect of Africa? “Looking at leadership concept, we need to tell the stories ourselves. We ought to advocate for ourselves.” Energy transition cannot be left in the hands of the men alone.
Nigeria has been concentrating on oil and gas to improve its GDP but one thing is clear that transition is not a revolution. In transition, there is a concept of time. “If we are really going to harness the values of resources that we have within our country, we cannot afford to exclude a whole half of that population for whatever reason.”
Women have a role to play in the power sector and move it forward. They should not be relegated or underrated. Omogiafo said when she was appointed to head Transcorp, some nay sayers felt she would not perform owing to her gender status, but presently the story has changed as she proved them wrong. Transcorp is doing well in the stock exchange market under her watch.
Sending a clear message to the women folk, she stated thus: “Let us not be distracted or discouraged by the poor statistics. Today, you literally need just one person to make a difference. Today, we see Mexico. Just one voice is what you need. And I want to encourage each of us that as we go in to our careers, we’ve all been there the men in the room, please understand that it’s not easy for a woman to lead.” The future of green cleaner energy is in the hands of women.
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